Diversity = Dollars 

Every company wants to improve profitability. The language of the dollar is spoken around the world. There are thousands of studies that prove diversity increases our chance for long term survival and success. Think about it ecologically, the more variation in a forest, or among a species, the better its chances to thrive over time.…

Organization Energy: Beyond Innovation

The required pace of change in today’s organizations demands innovation more than ever before, yet innovation is only one of four sources of organization energy that can accelerate successful change.  Organizations of all sizes share a common life cycle, comprising phases of initiation, growth, maturity and decline with possible eventual renewal and a new initiation…

3 Sources of New Power From Existing Employees

Untapped energy potential lies in every organization. These three management strategies amplify productivity and engage employees:  Leverage Innovation Energy Every employee has a natural predisposition towards either exploration or optimization. Companies can amplify creativity by identifying employees who are natural explorers and are energized by innovation. In recent history, psychometric models have expanded beyond communication…

S-Curve Analysis : Strategic Diversity 

Things that grow…  Anything that grows has a natural rhythm to its growth: starting out, forming, flourishing and eventual decline.  This rhythmical pattern can be seen, again and again, in natural systems, in political systems, in human systems, in organisation systems – in all kinds of contexts.  The pattern can be illustrated visually on a…