Why This Team Will Fail–But Yours Doesn’t Have to!

In 2019, I attended an Executive Innovation & Strategy course at Harvard. During the course, they taught about the importance of understanding where one’s company falls along the “S-Curve” or growth curve. It’s a quick way to represent where an organization lies along its growth cycle. All living things, including organizations, go through the same cycle: birth, growth, maturity…

Pressured to Do More with Less How One Company Increased Productivity by 53

Pressured to Do More with Less? How One Company Increased Productivity by 53%

In today’s ever-changing, fast-paced economy, survival requires doing more with less. It’s no secret that productivity impacts profitability and retention. But increasing efficiency can seem elusive with a newly hybrid remote-and-on-site workforce. One proven way to boost productivity up to 25% is through engagement and inclusion (Dynamic Signal 2020). Every team member contributes differently to…

How Would Centralized Blockchain Put our Economy at Risk?

Would a centralized blockchain undermine the technology’s purpose as a shared public ledger? Yes, and here’s why…  Blockchain creates the decentralization of data, the opportunity for transparency, and a trustworthy alternative to becoming too “big”. Big banks, big companies, and big governments create more risk, reduce innovation, and can violate trust.  Centralized blockchain would undermine the…

Endorsements for “Trust Your Animal Instincts”

I’m humbled and grateful for the following early endorsements of Trust Your Animal Instincts, my first full-length book.  As informative and inspiring as it is ‘user friendly’ in organization and presentation, “Trust Your Animal Instincts: Recharge Your Life & Ignite Your Power” is a potentially life changing, life enhancing, life celebrating instructional guide and manual.  If you’re struggling…

Diversity = Dollars 

Every company wants to improve profitability. The language of the dollar is spoken around the world. There are thousands of studies that prove diversity increases our chance for long term survival and success. Think about it ecologically, the more variation in a forest, or among a species, the better its chances to thrive over time.…